Meet The Team
CARP Partners
The University of Arizona
The University of Arizona (UAz) is a leading research institution that serves as the coordinating unit of the Climate Adaptation Research Program (CARP) activity. The UAz team facilitates a collaborative higher education institution partnership model thats supports impact-driven disaster risk reduction research in the Global South. The UAz leads a consortium of the three partners in the implementation of the CARP. The UAz will also oversee the English-Speaking Caribbean countries.
Stellenbosch University
Stellenbosch University (SU) in South Africa oversees the Africa region. A growing focus of SU has been in the emerging field of Disaster Risk Studies, seeking to enhance risk reduction strategies and actions to create more resilient and sustainable communities in South Africa and across the continent. The Centre for Collaboration in Africa (CCA) is the base for the secretariat of a transcontinental capacity development and research focused network called the ‘Partners Enhancing Resilience of People Exposed to Risks (PERI-PERI U). Established in 2006 with five university centers, the partnership has grown over the past 18 years to include twelve members across the continent and is a recognized Integrated Research on Disaster Risk International Centre of Excellence in Risk Education and Learning. PERI-PERI U and its partners have been committed to advancing disaster risk-related scholarship and research in the disaster risk field on the continent.
Consejo Superior Universitario Centroamericano (CSUCA)
CSUCA is based in Guatemala and will host the Regional Coordination Unit for the Latin America and Spanish-speaking Caribbean region.
CSUCA is the Central American Higher University Council (Consejo Superior Universitario Centroamericano), which serves as the highest authority of the Central American University Confederation, created in September 1948, in San Salvador. Its vision is to become the organization that promotes leadership for the regional integration of the Central American and Caribbean public university system, which includes enhancing the planning and academic-administrative capacity of universities, as well as their relationship with society and the state.
CSUCA coordinates opportunities among the 24 member universities, the 8 regional systems that make it up, and the 7 programs stipulated in the Fifth Plan for the Regional Integration of Higher Education of Central America and the Dominican Republic. This plan was approved at the IX Central American University Congress in 2021, which constituted the CSUCA's work plan for the next 10 years. CSUCA has extensive experience in the management and execution of multiple projects, which are reflected in the number of partners with whom cooperation agreements have been signed on various issues related to higher education.
Auckland University of Technology (AUT)
Auckland University of Technology (AUT) in New Zealand implements the CARP in the Western Pacific and Pacific Islands region. AUT brings a strong focus on research, with 60 identified research centers and institutes. The AUT team draws on established expertise in working collaboratively in the Pacific and in transboundary capacity building collaborations. Their team has long-established collaborative relations with partners in the Pacific and almost two decades of experience in establishing multi-institutional partnerships that advance disaster risk-related scholarship. They also have long-standing relationships and networks within Pacific communities.
AUT’s Pacific Islands RCU role will be implemented as a cross-disciplinary initiative within the Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences with associated Schools of Health Sciences with large cohorts of Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy students, Science, and Disciplines of Public health.